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Montessori at Home

Often times, when parents view the growth their children are experiencing at school, they ask how to incorporate the same principles in their own home. There are some great resources about this, including some of the books and articles included in our list of additional resources, but we thought it might be useful to include a few basic first steps when thinking about a Montessori home. 


When thinking about the home environment, begin by making the areas in your home more child-friendly.

  • Organize clothes, toys, and home objects on shelves and bookcases that are on your child's level.

  • If possible, have child-sized furniture, especially chairs and tables that allow them to freely sit without assistance.


Invite your child to participate and help with daily-life activities around the home.

  • Allow your child to help maintain the order of the home environment by sweeping, dusting, mopping, etc. 

  • Set out a water pitcher and snacks so your child can get food and drink whenever they need them.

  • Include your child in meal-planning, grocery shopping, and other home decisions (that are age-appropriate) so they can contribute as a member of the family.


These are some basic first steps that will invite your child into a contributing role, and also mimics the classroom environment they have become familiar with and comfortable participating in. 


For more information on developing a Montessori home, see our additional resources or feel free to contact us for further guidance. 

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